
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Tips for monetising your Blog.

                                                    Tips for your Blog :           

Once you have learnt how to create a blog and steps to be taken while writing an effective post, here are the next tips on improvisation of your blog and also your blog posts.
Let us assume that you prepare a dish which is very tasty and delicious. Will you be happy if the dish turns out very delicious but there is nobody to taste and appreciate it?
Or you have a cute little child, whom you have trained to perform in some art form, don't you want to share your pleasure with the world?  

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

How to write a blog post ?

Effective Communication :                        

Now that you have learnt how to create a blog, let us move on and learn how to write a blog post, which is very effective, popular and which draws the readers to your site.
The fundamental principle of any effective writing is to write on something on which you have a good authority and about a subject which you know and are passionate about. The thoughts come across from your heart and so reach your readers.
Before you set out to write a post make a blueprint of the post - either in your mind or on a paper. Be clear in what you are going to tell your readers. Once you have set the linage and the thought of your post, the words will flow fluently and effectively.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

How to create a Blog?

                                                      WHAT IS A BLOG ?                                     
I have been blogging now for almost 5 to 6 years and whenever I have Googled for any help, I have noticed that almost all the guidelines and help are generally for those who are very well versed with the subject or who know the coding part.

I remember my earlier days when I had a vague idea of what a blog is, but never knew how to create one and/or its intricacies or the nuances. I was hesitant to ask, was shy to query. Even now there may be many like me who want to learn but are hesitant to ask. So in these series of posts, I would like to teach the basic elements of blogging.